Our CSR approach > Societal Commitment

Societal Commitment

The value of "team cohesion"

Nothing great is achieved alone, and the LGM Group builds on this day after day by promoting cohesion and team spirit for mutual development while upholding common values.

To achieve this, the notion of human size teams to maintain team cohesion with a strong spirit and uniting behind a common objective is a reality.

Solidarity project

The SOLIDARITY project is LGM Group's commitment to charity or societal projects, by subsidising activities led by the Group's employees outside their work environment.

The projects selected are:

  • natchatiramîne logo

    NATCHATIRAMÎNE is an organisation which helps children in India and Madagascar in their schooling and supports students in job seeking.

  • eclaireurs logo

    ASSOCIATION ÉCLAIREUSES ÉCLAIREURS DE FRANCE (French scouts and girl guides) aims to build a better world by training citizens who are willing, aware of problems in society, and committed to resolving them.

  • plouf logo

    SWIMATHON DU LIONS HERALDIC organises a swimathon under the name "Plouf" to support the cause of autism through two organisations Bulle d'Air (The Joker Association) and D’un Corps à l’Autre (From one Body to Another).

  • afmf logo

    L’ASSOCIATION FRANÇAISE DE LA MALADIE DE FANCONI (AFMF, French Association for FANCONI syndrome) is supported by the LGM Group financially, but also through the participation of an LGM team in the annual Course des Héros (Heroes' Run).

  • movember logo

    MOVEMBER is a month-long fundraiser which takes place every November, prompting men to let their moustache grow to build awareness on male cancers, mental health and suicide prevention.

  • enfants et livres logo

    The DES ENFANTS ET DES LIVRES (Children and books) organisation supports a programme of mobile libraries in Sri Lanka. It is aimed at facilitating access to reading for children in the most isolated tea plantation villages. The organisation also plans to develop digital libraries by lending tablets.

  • odyssa logo

    And finally, each year, LGM teams participate in the ODYSSEA run against breast cancer!