Documentation engineering

NATO codification

We offer services by which we support you and carry out NATO codification of your supply items under expert approval validated by the CIMD (Centre D’identification des Matériels de la Défense, Defence Equipment Identification Centre).

We support you in:

  • the preparation of the service,
  • customer awareness-building on the sometimes international State-run environment and regulatory aspects,
  • consultancy and support in preparing supporting files (particularly through dedicated e-learning and help from codification experts),
  • preparation of the market/programme with the CIMD,

but also in the codification of articles:

  • creation/revision of the supply concept of each article,
  • description of articles to ensure the durability of these concepts,
  • allocation of NATO Nomenclature Numbers associated with this concept in the Sacral system of the CIMD for upgrading under the NSPA,
  • provision of official NSNs suppliable by armed forces.

For more information, contact us at +33 (0)2 85 67 20 00