Technical communication


We assist our customers in creating digital services. From ideation to graphic design, we offer all expertise in creating interfaces which are as beautiful as they are functional, while ensuring the user is at the heart of the creation process.

At LGM Digital, user experience is a multidisciplinary and transverse skill. It is at the intersection of several separate and interdependent skills: UI, marketing, graphic design, interface mock-up, ergonomics, etc.

The UX Design approach aims at the quality of the experience of a user when using a product or service. This method (approach, norm, philosophy) adapts the interface to the end user, rather than imposing an operating mode in order to improve man-machine interaction.

UI design refers to the graphic environment in which the user of a piece of software, a website or an application evolves. This means creating a pleasant and practical interface, which is easy to control. Therefore, UI design is part of UX design, as it aims to offer the best possible experience to the user, while focusing more particularly on perceptible elements: graphic elements, buttons, browsing, typography, etc.