services>Training Engineering> Pedagogical engineering
Training Engineering

Pedagogical engineering

We use our expertise in all or part of the training creation process, based on ADDIE phasing: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation.

Our solution is based on a blended learning approach: LGM Digital training programmes blend teaching modes while using several different materials.

ADDIE phasing:


The purpose of the analysis phase is to specify the challenges, and the strategy to be implemented. This allows us to determine who needs to be trained and the subjects to be covered.
This means that the performance objectives to be reached, and the skills and knowledge to be taught must be identified. It also identifies the experts, the target populations, as well as the deadlines and constraints. It is therefore a crucial part of the process.

The types of services in this phase are usually:

  • Collaborative brainstorming on the challenges, the strategy,
  • Analysis of the skills framework,
  • Training needs study,
  • Inventory of the training department


The design phase is the determination of the training approach based on the learning objectives. The training paths are also defined for each role.
This phase defines the teaching methods (theory, practice, exercise, evaluation) and the associated pedagogical means (e.g. classroom sessions, CBT, e-learning, simulator, etc.) which guarantee that the objectives will be reached at the end of the training course, while considering the profile of the learners (knowledge, expertise, soft skills).
The learning objectives of each class are designed scientifically according to performance objectives (target levels) to be reached and the prerequisites of the learners.
The finest granularity level of the training material is the module. Modules are broken down into lessons and the lessons into classes.
During the Design phase, each training module will be linked to the source data used (e.g. technical documentation, operational procedures). This will ensure continuity between the training material and the different upstream documents. This phase covers the training programme's configuration management.

The types of services in this phase are usually:

  • creating the detailed lesson plan (course syllabus) defining:
    • the structure of the training paths, derived in courses / lessons / modules,
    • the learning objectives of each module,
    • the time allocated to each module,
    • the training methods and material developed and implemented to cover the learning objectives,
    • the link between the training material and the source data used.
  • the writing up of the training plan, defining:
    • the List of Documents Applicable and to be Produced (LDAP),
    • the learning matrix,
    • the definition and scaling of the learning material,
    • the schedule.


This phase is about the creation of pedagogical approaches according to the syllabus and the training plan:

  • digital learning, e-learning, micro learning modules, etc.
  • video tutorial,
  • motion design,
  • expert interview,
  • learning material for classroom-based training,
  • learning plan and material for a virtual class,
  • serious game,
  • virtual reality,
  • augmented reality,
These learning approaches will pave the training path. The training path is "blended" when a training path calls upon several learning approaches.


This phase consists of the knowledge transmission, the training of the learners according to the training path and the learning objectives as described in the training plan.

In the case of the implementation of digital modules in an LMS, we use a quality checklist summarising the different points to be checked in relation to each service, prior to delivery. This checklist will be customised according to our client's needs, validated jointly and supplied at each delivery by the checker (cross checking of teams and/or check by the Project manager). It will therefore be used as a base for client quality control.

In complex programmes requiring the deployment of a large scale training organisation and therefore the upstream training of a number of trainers, we regularly have to design and dispense or co-dispense the trainers' training organisation. Within this framework, LGM Digital then designs materials for training led in actual or virtual classrooms

Through the LGM Academy, LGM Digital also supports the trainers' training. This can be requested to reinforce the skills of technical experts in learning knowledge transmission methods. 7 training courses relating to training are offered in the LGM Academy catalogue:

  • training engineering: SAT methodology,
  • perfecting the trainer's practice,
  • building awareness in digital learning media,
  • storyline 3,
  • camtasia level 1: discovery and quick start,
  • camtasia level 2: creating interactive content,
  • ASD S6000T specification,
  • transforming classroom-based training into a virtual course.


Theoretical and practical end-of-training evaluations are proposed, with the objective to monitor achievements made during the training of the candidates.

Evaluating enables:

  • updating the effects of training initiatives
  • demonstrating and justifying the value of training initiatives within the company
  • acting to improve these initiatives or to resolve any problems identified.

The evaluation is a systematic process which requires:

  • the collection of data and the evaluation of the alignment throughout the first 4 phases
  • ensuring that the training gives the expected learning results

The evaluation tools which will be integrated to the training media are specified as early as the construction of the syllabus (at the end of the Design phase).

In the training course syllabus, the designer lists and breaks down the different evaluation tools on the basis of the learning objectives and the lessons along the training path. The choice of the tools is consistent with the level allocated.

The designer will choose these tools during the design of the steps and lessons, and each tool will be associated with a learning objective or with a lesson.

LGM has based its evaluation methods on Kirkpatrick's model.

KirkPatrick's methods

Our blended learning approach:

In a training path, our experts recommend blending the synchronous and asynchronous approaches.

This enables interaction between the learner and the remote trainer, who creates a relevant human connection, to be maintained for the long term, by digitally optimising the theoretical information.

We support you in the analysis of your current training organisation and the implementation of a justified blended path.

Our learning approaches:

The learning approaches or materials are the different learning "tools" which will be implemented in the training path. The learning approaches included in a training path depend on the client's environment. They are defined by the learning engineer in the analysis phase. During the training organisation design phases, the learning engineer can therefore only call upon the range of learning approaches which are compatible with the context of the project.

A few examples of learning approaches:

  • Face-to-face,
  • Virtual classroom,
  • E-learning,
  • Serious game,
  • Virtual reality,
  • Augmented reality,
  • Tutorials,

Our learning modes

The learning modes rely on the idea that different learners have different learning skills. Several competing theses on learning modes exist. When creating training organisations, LGM Digital recommends mixing the training materials and calling upon different materials in order to maximise the effectiveness of the training and retention of learners.

Our media

LGM Digital has all the skills internally as well as the ability to offer a broad range of typology of media to produce custom-tailored content to better manage technical and optimise message delivery and skills acquisition. All these skills and media are consolidated in our media department.


We have a sound-proof room for high quality audio recording, with professional grade equipment:

  • voice-over
  • sound effects
  • e-learning modules
  • videos…

We digitise your content

Over the last few years, LGM Digital has implemented a proven process for digitising training:

  1. Analysis of your existing training organisation, appropriation of the environment and definition of learning objectives,
  2. Breakdown of all or part of the training organisation and justification of recommendations of digitised learning media: e-learning, virtual classroom, videos, webinar, green screen training, etc.
  3. Production of syllabi,
  4. Capitalisation of technical messages transmitted verbally by the experts,
  5. Production of storyboard, play-out, script, according to the learning material,
  6. Development of modules,
  7. Validation,
  8. Test and acceptance,
  9. Implementation.